Profile Pack

Suggested Price: Rp4.000.565

A website profile is a website created to introduce a business or company. Usually companies are B2B, so they don’t need to sell directly on their website.



A website profile is a website created to introduce a business or company. Usually companies are B2B, so they don’t need to sell directly on their website.

Package Details
* The domain of the client
* Hosting from clients
* The number of pages is not limited
* Premium Themes
* Live Chat feature
* Multi Slider feature
* Backend Drag & Drop feature
* Parallax feature
* Contact Form feature
* Google Maps feature
*Customizable Design
* 3 website banner designs included
* 5 Business Emails of 5GB each
* Web Load Speed Optimization
* Setup Google Index
* Setup Google Webmaster Tools
* Google Analytics Setup
* Working Time 20 Days